I am the Gardener

Ficus Lyrata

Here comes the miniature version of our fiddlely diddley fig tree ! Its cute little compact size will leave you in awe that you have to get one ! With no compromisement on the lushness and greenery of its bigger option, the ficus lyrata provides the same luscious feel but in the petite sized option.

Rs 4000

Water: Keep the soil moist throughout the summer while avoiding overwatering

Soil: This plant is best suited in a peat-based soil that drains well

Sunlight: Require bright indirect light, but they can also tolerate low light

Fertilizer: Use a diluted liquid fertilizer once every two weeks, and once a month during summer and no feeding is required from autumn to spring

Humidity: Average home humidity is fine but it can also tolerate dry air (18-24ºC)